Our Impact Last Year

Our impact last year

At Housing Matters, we believe quality housing is a human right.

We fight tirelessly for everyone to have a safe, secure home and escape homelessness.

With lost jobs, debt and evictions last year, demand for our service was at an all time high.

And we’re proud that – despite increasingly severe housing crisis – our small team of 11 managed to help more people than ever before.

“You helped me through the darkest time of my life.”

~Anna Dietrich

Last year, we upskilled many of our clients to help them avoid crisis point in the future...

Our impact img

Many of our long-term clients needed our help because they were either homeless or threatened with homelessness. Out of this group of people...

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Woman and two children playing game
Our impact img
Our impact img

Impact reports


Impact Report 22/23

Impact Report 21/22

Impact Report 2021

Impact Report 19/20

Impact Report 18/19


Find out about the people we support and how we help them to change their lives. Have a look through our Impact Reports from recent years.

Annual reports


Annual Report 21/22

Annual Report 20/21

Annual Report 19/20

Annual Report 18/19

Annual Report 17/18 

Annual Report 16/17


Each year, we publish our annual report detailing our finances and achievements for the previous year, and our aims for the next. These are all also from when we were called CHAS Bristol.

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